Are You Hiding From Wedding Customers?

It’s amazing how many wedding professionals make it difficult to be contacted by the prospective customer. Is your phone number hidden away on your contact page? Is your email address only found on the back of your brochure? Don’t make the bride hunt you down, instead, make it easy for her to reach you.

Make it easy for the prospective customer to reach you

Your basic contact information should be displayed on every page of your website and throughout your marketing materials. The more methods of contact you can provide, the better. Include your email address, your mailing address, your phone number, and your cell number.

Yes, your mailing address. Yes, your cell number. Are you concerned about privacy? If someone really wanted to track you down, they could just do a quick search on Google or Spokeo. It’s doubtful that someone is going to show up at your home office unannounced, so don’t give the bride the impression that you have something to hide.

If you promote your business at bridal shows, consider including your headshot, and a picture of your booth, in your wedding marketing materials. This will help the bride recall that she met you.

Out of town phone number? Big mistake!

Many wedding professionals use an out-of-area phone number, and this is a really bad idea. Even more have nothing on their website that specifies their service area. If the bride has no idea if you are local or not, her tendency might be to choose someone who is clearly local. More importantly, if Google has no idea if you are local or not, that hurt hurting your search engine rankings and cost you business.

Are you relying on the dreaded contact form?

If the only way that a bride can reach you is by filling out the dreaded online contact form, this sends a message that you would rather not be bothered. Make it easy for the bride to get in touch with you and you will give her comfort level that she doesn’t get from your competitors.